1. STATEMENT OF FAITH...................................................................................................
2. MISSION STATEMENT AND SCHOOL PURPOSE ........................................................
3. OBJECTIVES IN EDUCATION........................................................................................
4. BIBLE CURRICULUM ......................................................................................................
5. TEACHER STANDARDS ..................................................................................................
6. ADMISSION PROCEDURE ..............................................................................................
7. THE SCHOOL DAY............................................................................................................
8. REGISTRATION FEES ......................................................................................................
9. INVESTMENT....................................................................................................................
10. LUNCH PROGRAM...........................................................................................................
11. BOOK FEES........................................................................................................................
12. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT ...........................................................................................
13. DISMISSAL PROCEDURE..............................................................................................
14. DISCIPLINE......................................................................................................................
15. SUSPENSION OR DISMISSAL.......................................................................................
16. WITHDRAWALS..............................................................................................................
17. TEACHER COMMUNICATION .....................................................................................
18. ABSENCES.......................................................................................................................
19. TARDIES...........................................................................................................................
20. MAKE-UP WORK ............................................................................................................
21. REPORT CARDS..............................................................................................................
22. HOMEWORK ...................................................................................................................
23. CELL PHONE POLICY....................................................................................................
24. TABLET DEVICE POLICY .............................................................................................
25. SOCIAL MEDIA POLICY................................................................................................
26. INCLEMENT WEATHER ................................................................................................
27. LOST AND FOUND .........................................................................................................
28. SEARCH AND SEIZURE.................................................................................................
29. CAMPUS SECURITY.......................................................................................................
30. SCHOOL DRESS ..............................................................................................................
31. DCA UNIFORM DRESS CODE GUIDELINES FOR GRADES K5-12.........................
32. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE.........................................................................
33. VISITORS .........................................................................................................................
34. MISCELLANEOUS SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ..................................................................
a. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible Word of God.
b. We believe that there is only one God.
c. We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in his Virgin birth and His sinless life, in His
miracles, in His atoning death through His shed blood, in His ascension, and in His return in power and glory.
d. We believe that for the salvation of lost and sinful men, there must be a plan. Three parts are
included in this plan of salvation: 1) repentance, 2) water baptism (in the name of Jesus Christ and for remission of sin), and the 3) infilling of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38, John 3:5)
e. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is
f. We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved, unto the
resurrection of life and they that are lost, unto the resurrection of damnation.
g. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
h. We believe that God created the human person as either male or female in His image and
likeness, that a person’s sex is not changeable per God’s design and that God’s design for marriage and the family is the union of one man and one woman from whose union children are brought into the world. A person’s life begins at the moment of his or her conception and should be protected until natural death.
“Grounded in Truth through God’s Word, Superior Academics in a Christian Environment, Building Character for Global Impact.”
Our school purpose is to offer a Christ-centered program which will effectively instruct the student in our basic Christian heritage, lead him/her to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and help him/her develop the qualities of Christian character and Christian leadership. A superior academic program with emphasis on the subjects, meaningful experiences, and problem solving is offered at DCA. A strong reading program is maintained. Careful attention is used in curriculum planning, so that our academic program satisfies the requirements of the Kentucky State Board of Education (as published in their Rules, Regulations and Minimum Standards), and the requirements of the other points of our school purpose. Our curriculum and standards each year reflect age-appropriate challenges that prepare our graduates to be admitted to college upon graduation. Our curriculum plan exceeds standard school requirements. Classes such as Career Exploration, College Prep, Physical Education, Bible, Arts and National Christian School Competition are included in their general studies.
Our objectives in the education of your children are as follows:
I. Prepare children spiritually by instilling in them a personal responsibility to and appreciation for the Lord Jesus Christ.
II. Prepare children to successfully live in a democratic system helping them to develop a sense of
responsibility as a citizen and a Christian.
III. Offer an instructional program that meets the academic needs of children, one that encourages them to think clearly, logically, and independently, achieving mastery in the tools of learning and communication.
IV To develop moral, ethical, and spiritual senses.
V. Provide them with opportunities to develop an understanding of, and an appreciation for their
own personal worth and that of others.
VI. Provide opportunities to develop skills necessary for making a living.
VII. Offer opportunities to participate in wholesome forms of recreation.
VIII. To intensively prepare all graduates for college entry through College and Career Preparatory Programs.
Bible study is recognized in Dogwood Christian Academy as a fundamental requirement for all
students. It augments the subjects of Math, English, History, Social Studies, Science and Health.
Without Bible study, a student can hardly be called educated in the true sense of the word. The
Bible says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” The Bible offers the best guide for this life and the only hope for the life to come. There is no book that can enrich and influence the minds and the hearts of children like the Bible. It is with this in mind that we use a curriculum, which will take the student systematically and progressively on his grade level through the Word of God.
Teachers are certified by the State of South Carolina Department of Education. The foremost requirements for teachers of DCA, are an unselfish dedication to Christian education, a sincere love for children, and a complete devotion to the Lord Jesus Christ.
6.1 Application forms must be filled out online. They supply basic information concerning the
student, including his/her educational experience and general background. The registration fee
must accompany each application form. Parents must sign the statement of cooperation.
6.2 An appointment for an interview by administration with the student and parent(s) will be
requested. This interview may include informal questioning of the student and the parents to
establish a foundation of understanding for home and school relationships. In the case of an
application for re-admission, administration may feel an interview with the returning student and
his/her parents may be productive for the student and the school.
6.3 An entrance exam is required for all homeschooled students entering DCA.
6.4 Final registration is only complete when we have: (1) the child’s complete registration forms, (2) health records, (3) the registration fee, (4) at least one month’s investment, (5) book fees, (6)
previous school records, (7) and signed statement of cooperation. There is a two-business day
processing period on all student applications submitted. Students will not be admitted to class until applications have been processed.
6.5 Dogwood Christian Academy is an institution that does not discriminate based on race, color, or national origin.
6.6 No new students will be admitted after May 1.
All new students are accepted on a six-week trial basis. To satisfactorily complete this trial program, a student must maintain a (C) average and exhibit a cooperative attitude with our school program. Each student’s record is reviewed by the administration yearly, and the student’s admission is based on specific criteria.
DOGWOOD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (DCA), as a private institution, reserves the privilege of setting and maintaining its own standards of student conduct, dress, cleanliness, and scholarship. The school maintains the right to refuse admittance to anyone it so chooses and to suspend or expel anyone who violates the standards or rules of conduct as defined by the school. In upholding the dignity granted to each person as male or female, DCA reserves the right to not admit any student who rejects his or her biological sex and adopts an identify of the opposite sex or who engages in any sexual behavior. Failure of a student or parent to uphold DCA’s Statement of Faith may be grounds to deny admission or request a student find another school more in line with the student and/or parent’s beliefs.
The school day at DCA begins at 8:00 a.m. and dismissal is 2:30 p.m. Please have your child/children arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m. and remain no later than 2:45 p.m. Any child that is not picked up by 2:45 p.m. will be charged $10.00. (unless prior arrangements have been made) For security purposes, after 8:00 a.m., please ring the bell located on the front door to be admitted into the building.
Upon acceptance, the registration fee ensures a place in the classroom for each student and is non-
refundable and is payable with each application yearly. General registration is $75.00
Accounts must be current before anyone will be allowed to pre-register. All delinquent accounts
must be paid in full before the start of a new school year. If an account becomes delinquent at any
time during the school year, the student will be subject to not being allowed to attend classes and
any and all extracurricular activities will be suspended, until the investment is paid current. If a
grading period should end and an account is not current, grade cards will be withheld until the
investment is paid current. Parents whose accounts are not current will be notified and no grade
cards, diplomas, or other records will be given until the amount owed is paid in full. For your
convenience, Investments are set up on a ten-month payment plan, and the first payment is due
August 10th. Payments must be set up on auto-draft and will be drafted on the 10th of each month. Acceptable payments include: ACH — Automatic deduction from checking or savings initiated by your bank; Debit cards; Credit cards* (VISA, AMEX, MasterCard, Discover). If payment is declined by the bank, your bank will make an NSF charge. You will be given a three-day grace period to resolve the issue and make the current payment. If payment is not resolved after the third day, a $50.00 charge will be made to your account, and your child(s) will be subject to not being allowed back into class until payment is made. * Any type of card, whether it be credit or debit, will have an additional fee of 2.85%.
Students must bring a lunch. Parents are responsible for their children's drinks, snacks and lunches. On Fridays, any students who wish to participate may bring $7 to school and food will be brought in. Food for parties must be cleared through the administration office a day in advance. Students may have a clear container with water in the classroom. Dry snacks will be allowed during a designated time in the classroom.
All book fees must be paid in full by July 1. Your child’s books will not be ordered until book fees are paid in full. Please note that a $25.00 late fee will be charged after July 1. The child will not be admitted to class if fees are unpaid. In the event a student loses his/her textbook, he/ she will be charged a book replacement fee. Each student must provide his/her own supplies. We suggest that supplies not be purchased until the students have an opportunity to find out the supplies required by their teacher.
Any Christian school must provide an environment conducive to the spiritual growth and development of its young people. We believe that Christian students should avoid practices that cause the loss of sensitivity to the spiritual needs of the world and the loss of the Christian’s physical, mental, or spiritual well-being (Romans 23:1-2). In order to allow spiritual growth, DCA has adopted the following standards for students in attendance while they are at school and at home.
• Integrity in the keeping of one’s word, speaking the truth, doing one’s own work, carrying out responsibility (doing assignments adequately and on time) and respecting authority.
• Respect for self, Apostolic Christian Academy and its employees and students, and the property of others.
• Courtesy extended in all relationships – student to student or student to teacher/staff.
• Stewardship of the property, supplies, and equipment of Dogwood Christian Academy, as well as wise stewardship of personal items.
Preparation for class and readiness to learn.
l• Students are to display a Christ-like attitude in all they do and say. Disrespect toward Teachers, Administrators, Principal, or other students on a consistent basis will not be tolerated and will be grounds for immediate dismissal from Dogwood Christian Academy.
12.1 Refrain from swearing, smoking, using indecent language, singing inappropriate songs, gambling, dancing, participating in occult activities, use of intoxicating beverages, experimenting with illegal drugs, or promiscuous conduct (being sexually active).
12.2 We do not allow any commercial, over-the-counter drugs to be taken at school. Before medication can be taken it must be a prescription drug, and a doctor’s note must accompany it. This note is good only in the prescription; if the drug is refilled, a new note from the doctor must accompany it. We adhere to this rule for the safety of our students.
12.3 Maintain high standards of courtesy, kindness, morality, and honesty.
12.4 Be kind and helpful to young children and always respect those in authority. In this atmosphere of definite and positive Christian standards of conduct, there are opportunities for the development of strong and stable Christian character. Students found to be out of harmony with the DCA ideals of work and life may be requested to withdraw whenever the general welfare of the school demands this. Social media Apps:-Negative comments from students or parents regarding DCA, DCA staff, etc., on social media sites will not be tolerated as they are out of harmony with the DCA's standard of conduct. Failure to comply with this policy may result in student withdrawal. Students should refrain from visiting websites and using other social media tools or apps that are out of compliance with the DCA standard of conduct.
Banned Apps List: Administration reserves the right to ban any app deemed to be out of harmony with DCA’s values.
• TikTok
• Snapchat
• Yik-Yak
• Omegle
• KIK Page
• Afterschool
• Chance
• Sneek
• Jiggler
• Group Me
• Secret
• Gogii Games
• DigitCalc
• Cyber Dust
• Slingshot
• Timehop
• Zoosk
• Charm
• Tenderly
• Backchat
• Lulu
• Glide
To ensure the safe and orderly dismissal of students, the following dismissal procedure has been established.
• Students will only be dismissed to authorized individuals. Parents are required to notify the school should anyone other than a parent or sibling driver be authorized to pick up a child from school, including in the event of an emergency. That person, on the first several times picking up a child will be required to provide identification to ensure the child is released to an authorized individual. Should a child need to go home with a friend, it is the parent’s responsibility to notify the school. Absent authorization, the child will not be released to a non-parent.
While discipline is basically positive training in the right directions (Proverbs 22:6), there is a negative side of correction and adherence to rules. The teachers and administration are given full discretion in the discipline of students. This may include various forms of positive reinforcement or the issuing of detention, suspension, or expulsion from the school. Examples of behaviors that may result in disciplinary action include those listed in the Standards of Conduct. In order to best fulfill the goals of the discipline process, Dogwood Christian Academy has established a Standard of Conduct that defines expected student behavior and establishes the procedure and process for addressing disciplinary matters. Please be aware that student conduct and behavior outside of Dogwood Christian Academy can affect a student’s standing at DCA as well as the reputation of DCA, therefore it is the expectation of the administration that students adhere to the Standards of Conduct at all times. It is therefore also understood that violations of the Standards of Conduct both inside and outside of school, including breaks from school, may be addressed as a disciplinary concern by the administration. Students are specifically considered to be under school jurisdiction at any time at which they are under the direct supervision of Dogwood Christian Academy and its employees, including when riding a bus or attending a school function or activity.
I. Believing that discipline is necessary for the welfare of the students, as well as the entire school, each teacher is given the authority to enforce disciplinary procedures.
II. Detention will be served at the teacher’s discretion on the designated day TBD. Siblings of a student serving detention must be picked up at dismissal.
III. While most behaviors can be corrected by a classroom teacher or instruction from an administrator or staff member, repeated behaviors or more serious offenses may necessitate a conference, detention, suspension, or in the most serious of offenses or refusal to abide by the Standards of Conduct, expulsion from DCA as outlined below.
Level I Category: Classroom Management. Disciplinary action will be taken for infractions of school policy and rules. Most disciplinary issues are managed by the teacher in the classroom, and the process can involve any of the following, separately or in combination as appropriate.
• Student conference with the teacher.
• Notification of behavior problems to parents (phone call or through messaging).
• Student conference with the Administrator.
• A parent-teacher-student or parent-teacher-administrator conference.
• Detention.
Level II Category: In-School Suspension. Number of days to be determined by administration.
Level III Category: Out-Of-School Suspension (Administration will determine the amount of time given and the terms of return to school). The student will not be able to return until a parent/student/ administration conference takes place.
Level IV Category: Upon the last result, if student refuses to change behavior pattern, and all measures have been exhausted, it will result in expulsion from Dogwood Christian Academy. Restitution and restoration can be confirmed with visible student behavior and pastoral counsel and recommendation; reinstatement on probation can occur as well. A formal report recording all infractions will be retained within the student’s school file. It will outline the nature of the infraction, how the issue was addressed, and the action plan to resolve it. Follow-up steps will be amended to the initial report. Disciplinary probation is sincerely intended as an intermediate step for the student to comply in spirit and action with the Standards of Conduct. Administration may require a student to enter into a behavioral contract. If this occurs, compliance is mandatory for the student to continue attending Dogwood Christian Academy. If there is no progress in attitude, behavior, or general academic achievement, the student will be asked to withdraw from the school or expelled by the action of the DCA Administration.
A student may be suspended or dismissed from school at any time he is found out of harmony with the rules and policies of DCA. In the case of suspension, the opportunity of make-up work will not be granted and there must be a conference between student and administration before the student will be allowed to return to classes. Decisions in these matters are the full responsibility of the administration and further reviews or appeals will not be considered. DOGWOOD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY (DCA) expects full cooperation from both student and parents in the education of the student. If at any time DCA feels that this cooperation is lacking, the student may be requested to withdraw.
Withdrawals from school must go through the administration office. Students transferring to another school should do this at the end of a grading period. If one day of any grading period is attended, the full nine-weeks investment will be charged. Report cards and other records will
not be issued to a transferring student whose account is not current.
Please feel free to consult with the school administration about any problems or questions concerning the welfare of your child. It is the desire of DCA to be of service to both parents and student. We must ask that visits be made by appointment with the teacher at a convenient after-school hour. No parent is allowed in the classroom during the school day. DCA policy is that teachers do not communicate with parents concerning school issues by text message. Please do not text your child’s teacher concerning school related matters. All communication with teachers should go through Jupiter. Any phone calls should be followed up with a summary of the communication being logged in Jupiter as well.
In case of absence, the parent or guardian must call the school office at 270 946-1317 by 9 a.m.to explain the absence. When returning to school, the student must bring a note from a parent or guardian informing us of the absence. Students arriving after 11:00 a.m. will be counted absent for the entire school day. DCA has established absence guidelines for all students. Parents can excuse their children's absence for up to 10 days per year by providing a written note. In cases where a student exceeds the 10-day limit on parental notes, a written doctor's note is required for admission back to the classroom. DCA will accept up to 10 days of absence per year with a doctor's note. These guidelines have been put in place to ensure that students maintain regular attendance and receive the support they need to succeed academically. DCA will acknowledge the following reasons for parent notes and making up work:
I. Student personal illness
II. Death in family (not to exceed 3 days)
III. Illness in family requiring the student to give temporary help (a physician statement is required).
IV. Absences excused by the principal (if prior to the student’s absence, the parent or guardian consults the principal and agrees that the absence is legitimate, the absence shall be excused). Vacations should be scheduled during the summer or school holidays.
V. Circumstances that, in the judgment of the principal, create emergencies over which the student has no control. If an absence falls outside of these guidelines, the absence will be deemed unexcused, and the student will not be allowed to make up their work.
In the event that your student exceeds 10 days on a parent note, the following system will take place:
• All absences that exceed the attendance policy will result in a zero in each class, and the student will not have the chance to make up assignments, quizzes, or tests.
• After exceeding the number of days of absences for the year, the student must complete course recovery work by administration to be re-admitted to Dogwood Christian Academy. Absences will be assessed by homeroom class, and 3 tardies = 1absence. Truancy offenses may result in a referral to juvenile court. Students who chronically miss school will be subject to dismissal. No refunds are made due to absences. Any student who misses 10 or more unexcused days per semester may fail that semester. If a student is absent within the allotted attendance policy, the teacher will permit the student to make up missed assignments. If an absence is anticipated, the student must secure permission to be absent and, therefore, makeup assignments. We strongly urge that dental and medical appointments are not made during school hours. After 5 absences in a semester, parents will be required to meet with DCA Administration.
A student arriving after 8:00 a.m. shall be considered tardy and must report to the school office before they will be admitted to class. A student leaving early after 11:00 a.m. or before the end of the school day will be treated as tardy. Students arriving after11:00 a.m. will be counted absent for the entire school day. Students may not exceed 10
tardies per semester. After 8 tardies in a semester, parents will be required to meet with DCA Administration. If a student rides to school with someone other than their parents and is tardy, the student will be required to contact their parent by phone in the office. Excessive tardies may result in dismissal from school.
The responsibility of initiating make-up work belongs to the student and parent. Students will have an equivalent number of days missed to make up work. For example, if three days were missed, then the student will have three days to complete any missed assignments, take quizzes or make up tests. If a student misses class on a day that a test is scheduled, or an assignment is due, then the student must take the test and/or turn in the due assignment on the first day he/ she returns to school.
The purpose of our report system is to give parents and students an indication of the progress, or lack of progress being made. Each child’s ability, attitude, and application are taken into account in grading. Our faculty consistently endeavors to know each of the students and to help each student to experience academic success. It is our firm belief that when a student experiences academic success or learns a skill, he/she is pleased, thus enhancing a healthy self-concept. However, if a student lacks academic motivation and does not respond to instruction, the academic progress will not be realized. Our observation has been that academic success produces more academic progress in the non-motivated student. Our grading system may not be the same as other schools and should not be used for comparison. We encourage our students to work hard and to develop good study habits and to work up to his or her capacity.
Grade A (90-100) Indicates excellent progress
B (80-89) Indicates commendable progress.
C (70-79) Indicates acceptable progress.
D (60-69) Indicates below average
F (0-59) Indicates failure
I Indicates incomplete – student does not promote to the next grade Homework/Seatwork 30% of Overall Grade Quizzes 25% of Overall Grade Tests25% of Overall Grade Projects (if applicable) 20% of Overall Grade.
Believing that homework is an integral part of the school program, each teacher is at liberty to give homework to aid the student to advance in his/her studies. Therefore, each student is required to complete his/her homework assignments. Homework is given for the following express purpose:
I. For practice. It is given so that the material will be mastered.
II. After instruction, homework is given to address weak points in a student's understanding of a subject.
III. Teaches the student responsibility to finish unsupervised tasks. Book reports, compositions, special research assignments and projects are some of the activities that are frequently the subject of homework attention. Delinquent homework (3 days) will result in a zero for 4th – 7th Grade. Incomplete homework will be given a grade based on percentage of the work completed. The only way a student will receive a zero is if the student made NO effort to do their work. Students are given class time to work on assignments. Assignments not completed in class will be assigned as homework. Four homework grades are dropped throughout the school year (1 per quarter). We do request full cooperation from parents in seeing that the assignments are completed.
Students will not be permitted to have cell phones in their possession throughout the school day. All cell phones must be left in a holding bin in the office during the school day (7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.). Failure to do so will result in confiscation of the cell phone.
A parent or legal guardian must retrieve the cell phone from the school office. The second violation will result in the parent being asked to sign a contract stating that the third violation will result in the student being banned from having any cell phone on campus. After the third offense, if the student is caught with any cell phone, it will result in 2 days of suspension. Apple watches or any other smart watch devices are not permitted during the school day. Students should keep in a holding bin in the office. If a student is wearing their device during school hours, it will be taken to the office for a parent/ legal guardian to pick up. DCA and its employees will not be held responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property. The school is not obligated to investigate the loss or damage of a cell phone. Should a student’s cell phone be confiscated, it will only be returned when a parent/guardian comes to the school to retrieve it. There will be absolute ZERO TOLERANCE on cell phone use.
School-issued tablets are the only electronic devices allowed during the school day. All personal tablet devices must be left in the student’s vehicle or in a holding bin in the office during the school day (7:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.) Students may not video or take pictures during the school day (7:45 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.) with their phone, laptop, or tablet device. DCA will not be held responsible for lost, damaged or stolen property.
To help guide students on the appropriate use of social media, DCA has adopted the following policy. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that students’ use of social media is consistent with the values of DCA and does not undermine or negatively impact the learning environment. Accordingly, the following guidelines apply:
I. Students are expected to be respectful toward their peers when using social media. Bullying, harassment, disrespect, or threatening statements toward other students through social media will be addressed as a disciplinary issue if it has any effect on the learning environment or violates the Standards of Conduct.
II. Students are expected to be respectful toward DCA personnel, teachers, administrators, and staff and toward other adult members of the school community when using social media. Communication that is disrespectful toward the school, its personnel, or other members of the school community will be addressed as a disciplinary matter and a violation of the Standards of Conduct.
III. Inappropriate graphics and/or images should never be posted by students on social networking sites. If activity of this nature interferes with the respect full learning environment expected at DCA, the matter will be addressed
In case of bad weather conditions, we follow the Logan County School cancellation schedule. If Logan County schools are closed or delayed, DCA will be closed or delayed also. In the event of DCA's closure due to severe weather conditions, all extracurricular activities, including but not limited to sports games and practices, will be canceled at the discretion of the school administration.
Lost and Found will be cleaned out routinely.
Dogwood Christian Academy reserves the right to search lockers, desks, vehicles, or personal belongings for objects or materials deemed non-compliant with school rules or that threaten the safety of the school or the students. The confiscated property will be returned at the discretion of the school administration.
DCA makes every effort to provide a safe learning environment for all students. Accordingly, as noted in our dismissal policy, we take appropriate steps to ensure students only leave with authorized individuals. Weapons of any kind are not permitted on DCA’s campus. Violation of this policy may result in the immediate expulsion of the student. In the event of an emergency on campus, DCA will take all appropriate steps to promptly notify parents of the situation as it is able, understanding that the safety of our students and personnel take priority in any such situation. Please do not come to campus in such an event until instructed to do so by DCA personnel. Any alteration to dismissal procedures set out in this Handbook will be communicated in such an event. DCA does maintain security cameras on campus. Footage from those cameras is kept for a limited period of time and is for the exclusive use by DCA to ensure individuals on campus are safe and to assist in the investigation of any on campus incidents. DCA may, in its sole discretion, allow a parent to review certain footage if necessary to address an issue that took place on campus and is captured on the footage, but review of such footage is the exception rather than the rule. As required by law, DCA shall report any incidents where DCA knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been the victim of abuse or neglect. All such reports shall be made consistent with the provisions of Kentucky law. Should any student or the parent of any student believe the student has been the victim of bullying, harassment, or abuse by another student or any administrator, faculty, or staff of DCA, we encourage them to report the matter immediately to the principal of the school or the pastor so the matter may be reviewed.
Boys shall have their hair cut neatly above the ears and collar. Facial hair, including sideburns below the earlobe, mustaches, etc. are not permitted. Long pants, shirts, and shoes are required. No extreme fads in dress or hair (including dying of hair), nor sloppiness will be allowed. Girls shall wear dresses or skirts that cover the knee. No pants, pant dresses, shorts or sundresses are allowed. Sleeveless or brief cap sleeves are not permitted. No extreme fads in dress or hair (including dying of hair), nor sloppiness will be allowed. The wearing of jewelry (with exception of one ring of purpose) and makeup, including colored nail polish on fingernails or toenails is not permitted. The dress code is to be followed at all school functions. This includes orientation, special services, ceremonies, meetings, and programs and field trips. DCA upholds the biblical standard of modesty. Since modesty is subject to interpretation, the school reserves the right to define modesty in situations not covered herein. If your child is out of compliance with the school dress code, he/she will be sent home or parents will be required to bring appropriate clothing.
• All clothing must be clean and neat. Clothing should be free of wrinkles, strings, frayed edges, holes, and tears.
• Students must wear clothing that fits appropriately: no oversized clothing or skintight clothing.
• Only DCA school logo and emblems will be allowed on clothing.
• General colors are black, blue and khaki.
• All visible undershirts, tank tops, t-shirts, and camisoles worn under shirts and blouses must be solid white, black, or gray.
• All males must wear a belt. Belts for males and females must be made of leather or cloth. Belt buckles must be plain and standard size: no oversized buckles or buckles with emblems, signs, logos, or any other embellishments. Silver metal on belt buckles is permitted (gold buckles are not permitted.).
• All skirts and jumpers must not be tight and cover the knees completely (even when the female is seated.
• Outerwear worn in the classroom such as coats and jackets must be solid black or blue.
• All shoes must be closed toe and closed back. Only athletic shoes approved by administration may be worn in the classroom. Athletic shoes must be school colors (Ex.black/white, solid black, black/gray, gray/white, etc.). Light pink accents will be permitted for girls’ shoes.• at this time, Signature Signs has DCA school crest on file for printing on items.
A. Jumpers
a. Colors – solid black, blue and khaki.
b. Material – cotton, cotton twill, polyester, cotton poly, chino, etc. NO DENIMOR CORDUROY
c. Length – must be long enough to cover the knees completely (even when the student is sitting)
d. No painter or cargo style jumpers. Hems must be sewn and intact
B. Traditional Uniform Skirts
a. Colors – solid black, blue, gray and khaki.
b. Material – cotton, cotton twill, polyester, cotton poly, chino, etc. NO DENIM OR CORDUROY
c. Length – must be long enough to cover the knees completely (even when the student is sitting)
d. No painter or cargo style skirts
e. No lace
f. Hems must be sewn and intact
g. Splits may not extend past the bottom of the knee
C. Classic White button down tops or long sleeve polo shirts
a. Colors – Royal Blue and White
b. Sleeves – short or long-sleeved: no cap sleeves and underarms must be covered
c. Standard 2-3 buttons
d. Collar – turn-down collar
D. Collared Blouses
* Colors – solid royal blue, White
* Sleeves - short or long-sleeved: no cap sleeves and underarms must be covered
* If a dress shirt has a button-down collar, it must be buttoned.
E. Casual Shoes
a. All shoes must be closed-toe and closed-heel
* Color - solid black, gray, or silver
* Plain boots are permitted (western, combat, or fur on boots are not permitted)
* Kindergarten students will be required to wear conservative tennis shoes (no high-tops or light-up shoes) to school every day with the exception of Chapel Services. Tennis shoes must be school colors. Students must wear casual dress shoes for Chapel
* Leggings, Socks, Tights or Hose
F. Friday Attire
2. Dress attire within school colors is permitted (Black, Royal Blue and khaki), scarves, pins are acceptable on Friday only.
Gym Uniform (5th Grade – 7th Grade)
* Must wear school-approved gym shirt (Order from School Office)
* Must wear black or blue Snoga skirt (Order from school office)
* Athletic shoes must be worn in gym. Athletic shoes must be school colors (Ex. black/white, solid black, black/gray, gray/white, etc.) Light pink accents will be permitted for girls.
d. Socks must be white, gray, or blue.
* Tank tops under gym shirts must be white, if worn
A. Traditional Uniform Pants
a. Colors – White, solid black, navy or khaki.
b. Material – cotton, cotton twill, polyester, cotton poly, chino, etc.
c. No painter or cargo style pants. Hems must be sewn, intact, and may not touch the ground
B. Classic Polo Style Shirts (must be tucked in at all times)
a. Colors – solid black, white, gray, khaki
b. Sleeves – short or long-sleeved
c. Standard 2-3 buttons
d. Collar – turn-down collar
C. Dress Shirts (must be tucked in at all times)
a. Colors – White, or solid royal blue.
b. Sleeves - short or long-sleeved
c. If a dress shirt has a button-down collar, it must be buttoned
D. Sweatshirts or Fleeces Worn Inside the Building
a. Colors – Royal blue.
b. School crest is suggested
c. No hoods or hoodies
d. Must be worn with a collared shirt or turtleneck
E. Dress or Casual Shoes
a. All shoes must be closed-toe and closed-back
b. Color- White, solid black or gray
c. Plain boots are permitted (western or combat boots are not permitted)
d. Kindergarten students will be required to wear conservative tennis high-tops or light-up shoes) to school every day with the exception of Chapel. Tennis shoes must be school colors. Students must wear casual dress shoes for Chapel.
F. Athletic Shoes
a. All shoes must be closed-toe and closed-heel
b. Athletic shoes must be school colors (Ex. black/white, solid black, black/gray,gray/white, etc.)
I. Socks
a. All male students must wear socks
b. Colors – Black, gray, and blue
c. Must cover the ankles (no ankle socks)
G. Friday Attire
a. Dress attire within school colors is permitted (White, with tie).
b. boys must wear a tie to Chapel.
c. Dress shoes are required. NO ATHLETIC SHOES.
d. Boys must wear a collared button up, oxford style shirt with a tie. Polos are not allowed.
H. Gym Uniform (5th – 7th Grade)
a. Must wear school-approved gym shirt (Order from School Office)
b. Must wear solid black gym pants
c. Athletic shoes must be worn in gym. Athletic shoes must be school colors (Ex. black/white, solid black, black/gray, gray/white, etc.)
d. Socks must be white, gray, or black
Students 5-12 years of age are given the opportunity to be a part of the Before School Care programs provided by Dogwood Christian Academy.
All persons entering the school campus must report to the reception desk to obtain a visitor's pass. Visitors will be required to sign in and out. The visitor pass must be worn while in the building. Parents will need to write a note of permission for a person to visit their child. Arrangements must be made one week prior to the visit. No visitor is allowed upstairs without authorization.
DCA is committed to offering students a comprehensive education that goes beyond the classroom, incorporating various activities and field trips throughout the school year. It's important to note that while these activities enhance the educational experience, they may come with additional costs. In such scenarios, these costs will be communicated clearly and well in advance, allowing families to plan accordingly. All students are requested to participate in certain essential school-related functions as they are integral to school community and unity. These essential functions include K5 graduation. Investments are set up on a ten-month payment plan for your convenience and the first payment is due upon enrollment and then the first of each month.
If payments have not been received by the 10th of the month, a late fee of $25 will be charged and the student will not be allowed to attend class until investment is paid current. There is also a service charge for returned checks. Post-dated checks cannot be accepted. Registration fee: Upon acceptance, the registration fee ensures a place in the classroom for each student and is non-refundable and is payable with each application yearly.
General Registration is $75 will run through July 15
Late registration is $100
Book fees, Miscellaneous fees, etc:
3-12th grade - $450
All book fees must be paid in full by July 1. Your child’s books will not be ordered until book fees have been paid in full.
*DCA has done its best to estimate the investment and fees for the upcoming year.
However, all fees are subject to change and any unforeseen fees may be added at any time.
By Completing the section below, you are agreeing to all terms listed above
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